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You can "Bank" on Family
Fun & Memories

The Perfect Present Company has designed a unique parenting oriented keepsake for creating family fun and "toothless moment" memories called THE TOOTHFAIRY*S BABY TOOTH BANK™. The bank is the first of its kind and truly fulfills a parent's need "where to save, organize and keep a diary" of their child's loss of baby teeth.

THE TOOTHFAIRY*S BABY TOOTH BANK™ acts as a catalyst to inspire and stimulate a Tooth Fairy's imagination. Kids actually love to save and show off their fallen baby teeth, contained in the bank. They are very proud of their personal possessions and excited to talk about their experience. This spurs fun communications between parent-child and friends, and makes a child the center of attention. A child gains self-esteem through this attention and focus.

Many children actually prefer the idea of placing their fallen baby teeth into a bank for safe-keeping instead of having The Tooth Fairy take them away. By using this bank, parent and child can take comfort in knowing that their baby teeth will not get lost or misplaced in Tooth Fairyland, amongst all the other baby teeth.

Parents enjoy using the bank as a heirloom and focal point for saving their child's "toothless moment" memories. Parents can also use the bank to encourage better care of teeth. When a baby tooth falls out, a child can be told: "The Tooth Fairy may leave more money for a cleaner, better cared for tooth." By carefully evaluating the relative cleanliness of a recent fallen tooth vs. prior baby teeth showcased in the bank, parent and child can try to predict how much money The Tooth Fairy will leave. A cleaner, better cared for tooth will always get more.


The Toothfairy Tabloid
by Rosemary Wells - The Toothfairy Museum

"What should I do with my tooth," is a much repeated question from four- and five-year-olds to their parents when their first baby tooth starts to loosen and then falls out. In United States, it is often answered by loving parents, "Put it under the pillow for the Tooth Fairy to find it."

Although a standard answer, this is not the one some children want to hear. They may like the idea of the Tooth Fairy. They may even look forward to being part of the group who is visited by the fairy. But they may not want to give their precious tooth to anyone, not even a magical fairy. They would prefer to keep it. This has historical as well as personal significance (see article, "Why Do We Feel We Must Keep Baby Teeth, issue 1, September 1997).

For them, what better way than to have a special receptacle to keep their teeth safe, one which is attractive as well as sturdy? A bank for teeth - not a box, or dresser drawer, but a real bank. And it had to be made in a way they could see their teeth when they wanted to. Just such a bank has been available since 1990 - a Perfect Present (the name of the company) which is often picked out by children as being a favorite item at the Tooth Fairy museum.

A young couple back in the late '80's, Steven and Gail, like many other parents, developed their own special ritual to commemorate the loss of their children's teeth. But it wasn't a simple box or bag. They invented a unique place for storing the lost baby teeth to extend their family fun and enjoyment as they recounted with their children those special "toothless moments." What started out as an intimate family ritual ended up in 1990 with a patent and copyright for the final form of their "bank."

The bank introduced in August 1990 under the name "THE TOOTHFAIRY*S BABY TOOTH BANK™," weighed 1 lb. and was 6"x6"x4" and packaged in a silver gift box. Disney was their first customer. The Director of Merchandising at Disney felt "it was the most creative and sentimental product idea he had seen in many, many years" and wholeheartedly endorsed and sold it.

Looking like porcelain, the original Tooth Fairy banks, have a large white resin tooth atop a white pillow base containing 20 recessed receptacles topped by a revolving see-through plastic, came in pink, blue, yellow and later in mint trim. A chart on the bank's bottom helped keep a diary of the dates for the loss of each of the 20 baby teeth. Any monetary exchange left by the Tooth Fairy could be dropped into the top slot on the hollow tooth.

Later, Steve and Gail developed a picture frame, "MY TOOTHFAIRY LOVES ME,"™ which easily attaches to the bank to make a charming set "for the toothless memories worth keeping". The frame, also available in the same color trims as the banks, measures 9.5"x6.5".

Why this elaborate a product to commemorate what every child experiences naturally and which some economically deprived families must simply ignore? Independent research indicates that over 60% of mothers keep the lost teeth but have no special place to keep them in. Often when moving or when other changes in the home occur, the teeth get misplaced or lost, much to the parents's regret. Hence, the need for the banks.

In addition the parenting value of the bank is extended four-fold:

  1. It Stimulates parents
    into getting the most fun from the memories of when their child was growing past babyhood. Whenever they saw the bank, it inevitably recalled each time a tooth was lost.
  2. It helps the child build his/her self-esteem.
    The child can showcase his teeth and talk to anyone willing to listen, thus spurring communication and letting the child become the center of attention.
  3. It emphasizes good dental health.
    When each tooth can be seen and its cleanliness and condition evaluated, predictions of what the Tooth Fairy might leave as an exchange can be debated and related to good dental habits which the parents are fostering and the child is exhibiting.
  4. It helps teach the value of savings,
    since the Tooth Fairy money exchange is saved and not spent - at least not right away.

What more can anyone want from a commercial product?

Personal Briefing - Not a total loss
by Marc Schogol of The Philadelphia Inquirer

Now your children can bank the money they get from the tooth fairy - and bank the tooth, too. "THE TOOTHFAIRY*S BABY TOOTH BANK™" has a tooth-shaped money bank surrounded by slots for the teeth. It's "a special place to save baby teeth, Tooth Fairy money, and dates each tiny tooth fell out," says the Perfect Present Co. (888-850-1001)

Chomping at the Bank
by Maggie Galehouse of The Philadelphia Inquirer

Kids can always bank on losing teeth. So, the Perfect Present in Gladwyne has the tooth-fairy-dental-care-teach-kids-how-to-save-money-self-esteem thing wrapped up in one item: THE TOOTHFAIRY*S BABY TOOTH BANK™. One big tooth serves as piggy bank, surrounded by 20 cubbies to be filled with baby teeth. Says Steven, co-owner with his wife, Gail, "It's a way of capturing those toothless moments forever. Indeed. There's a "MY TOOTHFAIRY LOVES ME"™ photo frame available, too. (The number is 610-642-7634.) No one else will take this to the baby shower.

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